

Hello! Sorry for the lack of posts lately! I am actually on vacation,
so I probably won't post as much this week! So sorry about that! ):
I hope you all have an amazing week!
I'll be back soon!
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oh happy day

Happy friday everyone! I hope everyone has a fun-filled weekend! (:
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flickr faves

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Sorry for the late post you guys, i've just been so busy lately, it's crazy!
I hope everyones having a lovely week! One more day until the weekend! (:


pretty papercuts

These original papercuts by Kathryn Robertson are just amazing!
Check out her etsy shop for more (:
Sorry for not posting yesterday! I was at the Portland Art Museum (:


fashion friday - stripes!

I love stripes. Always have, always will.
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dream house

If I had all the money in the world, this is probably what my house would look like (:
| images found here, here, & here |


lovely garden

I love these photos by Lori H. They are so soft and serene! I wish I had a garden like this (:


beautiful skies

These photos taken by Eric Cahan are absolutely breathtaking!
They are part of his "Sky Series" where he takes pictures of the beautiful colors of the sky.
I am just so amazed with some of the shots he got! Go check the rest out here!


lazy days

Today I leave you all with a photo of cute sleeping kitties! Aww! (:


flickr fave : look left and look right

I am absolutely in love with Lauren's flickr photostream!
Lauren, is an 18 year old photographer from England,
and if I do say so myself, she is so talented!


melts my heart

These photos taken by Susan Sabo are of local shelter dogs.
Her photos are so real, and tells a story that just melts my heart.

in the shop

It's been a while since I talked about my jewelry store!
I am so happy to say that it is doing well with everyone's support (:

Lately, I have loved stacking/layering my wrists,
and these hand woven bracelets are the modern friendship bracelets that
I think look great layered, so please check them out in my shop!


pretty prints

I like these prints from Twamies (:
Check out their Etsy shop!


summer colors

| images found here, here, here, & here |


sauvie island

Hello! I hope everyone had a fun-filled fourth of July! Yesterday, me and my family went to Sauvie Island! It was the first time we went there, even though we only lived about 20 minutes away. There were cute little beaches near the river, and areas where you can hang out with cows! It was a little smelly, but oh well! I enjoyed watching the adorable little babies (:


happy friday

Well hello everyone! It is finally the weekend ... phew!
I am happy to announce that the weather is fairly nice,
so I will be going to the coast tomorrow! (:
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
| images found here, & here |