

Man oh man, it's been such an adventure driving over to Virginia from Oregon!
I am happy to tell you all that my family and I have arrived safely in my new home!
Unfortunately, all of our belongings will be arriving two weeks late, which is a huge disappointment
because the moving company made a mistake. I was hoping to re-open my jewelry shop in time for
the holidays, but it seems as though that won't be happening! But no worries, I will re-open as soon
as all of my belongings arrive! I may not have as many blog posts in the next few weeks since I will
be so busy, so please bare with me! I'm so excited to be back, and I have missed blogging so much!
I survived almost one month without internet! Phew! Anyways, I will post photos form the drive soon! 
( print by sparklepower )

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that's exactly how I feel right now. We just got back from the DR!
